Error information from the ADO collection using error object

Error handling refers to the practice of advance programming and coding for error conditions that can arise when the program runs. We are just avoiding the error. In VBA we are using On Error statement for handling. This statement instructs VBA what action will perform on error. Error handler will enable when on error statement is executed. To check the cause of the error in VBA, we need to check the value of the number property of the VBA Err object. The description property of the Err object contains the message for the encountered error number. In ADO, using VBA Error object we can get the information about the error. Error object is fetching the information form the ADO error collection. Using description property of error objects we can show the details of the error.

In this article we are use he VBA error object and ADO error collection to get information about error. To implement this we have to write code for fetch error information. After implementation we have to debug this code and the message will prompt and show open immediate window as shown in Fig 1.1.

Display Contents of ADODB Errors Collection. Fig-1.1


The detail of error will show in immediate window as shown in fig 1.2.

Display Contents of ADODB Errors Collection. Fig-1.2


VBA code

Option Compare Database
Sub DBError()
Dim con As New ADODB.Connection
Dim ErrorADO As ADODB.Error
On Error GoTo ChkErrors
con.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & "Data Source=D:\test.mdb"
Debug.Print "Error number: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & " (" & Err.Description & ")"
Debug.Print "Information regarding this error " & vbCrLf & "contained in the ADO Errors collection."
For Each ErrorADO In con.Errors
Debug.Print vbTab & "Error Number: " & ErrorADO.Number
Debug.Print vbTab & "Error Description: " & ErrorADO.Description
Debug.Print vbTab & "Jet Error Number: " & ErrorADO.SQLState
Debug.Print vbTab & "Native Error Number: " & ErrorADO.NativeError
Debug.Print vbTab & "Source: " & ErrorADO.Source
Debug.Print vbTab & "Help Context: " & ErrorADO.HelpContext
MsgBox ("Error detail on immediate window")
End Sub


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